pagi semalam wife aku ym...
cakap game aku suda sampai....
then taim petang sangkot dalam jem...
so aku open box...
so begini la rupe dia....
keinginan aku tuk bermaen terpakse ditahan coz aku keje sampai kol 10 malam...
sampai umah kol 11 malam...
then install...
siap install sekali x bley autolog plak...
cannot connect to the server...
i was like...
then pas 2 jam lebey carik solution kat tenet akhernye dah bley....
pade sape2 yg maen gune win7 tapi x bley connect autolog...
sile ikot care dibawah ni ye....
Just go to C:/windows/system32/drivers/etc
and delete the "Hosts" file. It saved my Autolog as well.
it works!!!
ok mcm yg aku cakap sebelom neh... (kat 2 forum yg laen)
kalau maen ori...
playing experience is on a whole different level...
thats why aku cakap kalau nak maen "jack sparrow" sile abaikan...
not worth for your RM10...
but if u wanna play ori...
then go for it...
highly recommended....
bai de wei...
malam tadi test maen online...
pestaim maen teros menang...
racer yg laen sume dah level 7 - 10...
aku sorang je level 2...
yg pasti most of them in that race x pandai maen drift kat selekoh...
thats why jaoh aku tinggalkan diaorg...
cume satu racer je yg aku duk bergelot kejap2 tempat pertama kejap2 tempat ke-2...
maen drift side by side...
aku nyer feeling taim tuh priceless....
and jantong aku ekceli agak kencang la sepanjang game tuh berlangsong...
even aku tgh taep neh pon (semalam) tgn aku maseh menggegel...
owh yeah lupe plak...
sape yg maen tuh sile la add aku Darkz01...
then kite race...
Bertemu Ahli Syurga?
1 day ago