ok kelmaren punyer citer...
kampeni tempat aku keje ade wat indoor games...
antare game2 yg dipertandedngkan adalah...
acara penggal kepala....
baling pisau pade budak2....
korek hidong guna garpu...
stalet dahi rakan sebelah...
ok tu suma tipu je....
yg sebenarnye cume ade....
congkak, chess, batu seremban, dart, dam aji, carom, ping pong dgn ape ntah lagi...
ade lagi ke??
yang aku masok just....
lompat getah, renang berirama, and menari shuffle....
aku masok 3 games je...
dart, dam aji dgn chess....
overall agak menarek la game itu hari....
cumenye agak kepenatan la kan...
coz aku AJK indoor games....
tp best gak jadi AJK..
coz dapat nasi lemak extra 1 bungkos....
owh wife aku pon ade masok gak...
dia masok dam aji dgn congkak kot kalau x silap....
cadangan asal aku nak masok congkak dgn batu seremban gak...
tp pikir punyer piker nanti kesian la plak kan...
coz konpom aku menang punyer...
kesian staff laen pon nak menang gak....
untok dart aku kecundang kat quarter final...
agak ketar tgn aku disitu...
mayb sebab aku lawan dgn bos aku taim tuh....
saje la bg peluang kan...
ahhahha alasan xnak ngalah...
dam aji plak....
aku kecundang kat quarter final gak kalau x silap....
haaa yg neh aku x puas hati sket...
coz aku kene saiko kaw kaw punyer dgn pasukan sorakan pehak lawan...
plus diaorg bergabong otak lawan aku...
4 lawan 1 beb...
mane adel....
taim neh pengadel ntah kemane ntah...
gi berak barangkali kot...
tuk chess plak....
aku dah lame giler x maen chess....
saje la masok nak tgk skill aku berkarat ke x....
keputusannye agak berkarat la mule2....
mase semi final aku lawan dgn bos accounts dept...
perghhhh agak mencabar gak lah...
aku silap satu step teros dia serang aku kaw kaw punyer...
keputusannye aku kalah...
then penentu tuk tempat ke-3 pon x kurang hebat gak...
susah giler nak perangkap dia...
tapi bile queen dia kecundang terosbercelaru formasi dia....
secare x langsong defend dia teros lemah...
wahahaha taim neh memang aku betol2 perkotak katekkan dia....
coz aku makan sume askar2 n general2nye...
saje je tinggal kan dia just king seketol...
so keputusannye aku menang coz aku tercheckmate dgn x sengaja...
sebenarnye aku nak permaenkan king dia...
ngam2 20 step teros checkmate...
tp ntah camner tersilap calculation tercheckmate awal plak....
maka dgn itu chess je la yg aku menang....
tu pon tempat ke-3 je....
hadiahnyer just medal je....
owh ye wife aku x menang pape....
coz dia saje nak kalahkan diri coz cadangnyer nak balek awal...
tp balek lambat gak coz balek saeng dgn aku wakakakaka....
lupe plak....
taim org sume dah balek....
n acara penyampaian hadiah pon dah habes...
acara chess maseh x habes2 lagi....
org sume dah balek maseh x dapat tentukan sape juara chess....
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tokei kedai game
Dialog suatu ketika dahulu...
dahulu x dahulu sgt lah...
agak baru gak lah....
Kejadian berlaku kat kedai game versi "Jack Sparrow"...
Tengah aku belek2 file cd game pc...
Tokei: Ye incek...mau cari game ape??
Aku: Xde pe...saje tgk nak carik ilham...
10 menet kemudian...
tokei tuh dtg lagi...
mayb dia sangka aku x tau nak wat pilihan kot...
Tokei: Haa ini game balu....(sambel menunjokkan title Assassin Creed 2)
Aku: Dah ade neh tokei...wa donlod je...
Tokei: haa yg ni mesti lu belom ada punya...(dia tunjok game Mass Effect 2)
Aku: Ni pon wa dah donlod...
pas lebey kurang 6-7 title game dia tunjok...
Tokei: Haiya...lu suma suda ada....apa yg lu tadak??
Aku: Itu pasal wa mau cari game ape yg wa tadak...
Then tokei tuh tunjok Alien vs Predator...<----16GB installation files...
Tokei: Haaa ni konpom lu tarak donlod sebab saez manyak besar....
Aku: Ni pon dah donlod....
Teros berkerot muka tokei tuh coz aku dah donlod....
ye la 16GB tuh...
adela lebey kurang 4 keping DVD....
worth dalam 40 hengget tuh...
Tokei: Haiyaaa lu suma suda donlod...lu pakai internet apa??
Aku: pakai screamyx je...512kb/s...
Tokei: lu tipu aaa...
Aku: betol la tokei... wa on 24/7 pc wa...plus in 24 hours wa boleh donlod 1-2GB...sebulan adela dalam 40-50GB...
Tokei: Haiyaaa kalau ada 10 olang mcm lu aaa... waa konpom bengkrap...
Then aku pon teros blah...
kecewa aku xde game2 yg menarek tuk di donlod...
kesimpulannye aku saje dtg kedai game tuh bkn nak beli cd....
nak cari title yg best tuk didonlod...
tp malangnyer xde...
tuk movie pon selalu gak aku wat camtu...
esp versi "Jack Sparrow"...
dialog pon lebey kurang je dgn tokei kedai game...
dahulu x dahulu sgt lah...
agak baru gak lah....
Kejadian berlaku kat kedai game versi "Jack Sparrow"...
Tengah aku belek2 file cd game pc...
Tokei: Ye incek...mau cari game ape??
Aku: Xde pe...saje tgk nak carik ilham...
10 menet kemudian...
tokei tuh dtg lagi...
mayb dia sangka aku x tau nak wat pilihan kot...
Tokei: Haa ini game balu....(sambel menunjokkan title Assassin Creed 2)
Aku: Dah ade neh tokei...wa donlod je...
Tokei: haa yg ni mesti lu belom ada punya...(dia tunjok game Mass Effect 2)
Aku: Ni pon wa dah donlod...
pas lebey kurang 6-7 title game dia tunjok...
Tokei: Haiya...lu suma suda ada....apa yg lu tadak??
Aku: Itu pasal wa mau cari game ape yg wa tadak...
Then tokei tuh tunjok Alien vs Predator...<----16GB installation files...
Tokei: Haaa ni konpom lu tarak donlod sebab saez manyak besar....
Aku: Ni pon dah donlod....
Teros berkerot muka tokei tuh coz aku dah donlod....
ye la 16GB tuh...
adela lebey kurang 4 keping DVD....
worth dalam 40 hengget tuh...
Tokei: Haiyaaa lu suma suda donlod...lu pakai internet apa??
Aku: pakai screamyx je...512kb/s...
Tokei: lu tipu aaa...
Aku: betol la tokei... wa on 24/7 pc wa...plus in 24 hours wa boleh donlod 1-2GB...sebulan adela dalam 40-50GB...
Tokei: Haiyaaa kalau ada 10 olang mcm lu aaa... waa konpom bengkrap...
Then aku pon teros blah...
kecewa aku xde game2 yg menarek tuk di donlod...
kesimpulannye aku saje dtg kedai game tuh bkn nak beli cd....
nak cari title yg best tuk didonlod...
tp malangnyer xde...
tuk movie pon selalu gak aku wat camtu...
esp versi "Jack Sparrow"...
dialog pon lebey kurang je dgn tokei kedai game...
Friday, April 23, 2010
Black in the White House
Have u got this kind of email??
with the title like above...
or "Do not open any message"
when u open it...
they will tell u this...
Actually its a hoax...
There is no a virus like the one described in the warning...
In fact, the warning is just a newer incarnation of an older virus hoax that has circulated for several years...
As the following example illustrates...
the wording in the message is very similar to the Invitation virus hoax that began circulating back in 2006:
sooooooo easily being fool...
n without second thinking or check the source or facts....
they just forward the email to friends n relatives...
their mindset was like "If its from the internet, then its must be true"...
Fuuuuu i hate spammers like this...
Credit to Hoax-Slayer
with the title like above...
or "Do not open any message"
when u open it...
they will tell u this...
Subject: Do not open any message
PLEASE CIRCULATE to your friends, family and contacts.
In the coming days, Do not open any message With an attachment called: Black in the White House, Regardless of who sent you ... It is a virus that opens an Olympic torch that burns the whole hard disk C of your computer. This virus comes from a known person who you had in your list Directions. . That's why you should send this message to all your Contacts.
It is better to receive this email 25 times to receive the virus and Open .. If you receive a message called: black in the white house, even Sent by a friend, do not open and shut down your machine immediately. It is the worst virus announced by CNN. A new virus has been discovered Recently it has been classified by Microsoft as the virus most destructive ever. This virus was discovered yesterday afternoon By McAfee. And there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus Simply destroys the Zero Sector of the hard disk, where information Vital function is stored.
Actually its a hoax...
There is no a virus like the one described in the warning...
In fact, the warning is just a newer incarnation of an older virus hoax that has circulated for several years...
As the following example illustrates...
the wording in the message is very similar to the Invitation virus hoax that began circulating back in 2006:
You should be alert during the next days: Do not open any message with an attached filed called "Invitation" regardless of who sent it. It is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which "burns" the whole hard disc C of your computer. This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list, that is why you should send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it.i dont know why people now a days...
If you receive a mail called "invitation", though sent by a friend, do not open it and shut down your computer immediately.
This is the worst virus announced by CNN, it has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept. SEND THIS E-MAIL TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW, COPY THIS E-MAIL AND SEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS AND REMEMBER: IF YOU SEND IT TO THEM, YOU WILL BENEFIT ALL OF US
sooooooo easily being fool...
n without second thinking or check the source or facts....
they just forward the email to friends n relatives...
their mindset was like "If its from the internet, then its must be true"...
Fuuuuu i hate spammers like this...
Credit to Hoax-Slayer
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