meh aku tepek sket senarai keta2 yg bley pakai or x RON 92, 95, 97....
korg tgk la sndiri keta korang camner...
klu keta sorong tu x pyh la ngade2 nk tgk gak..
pastu sebok ckp keta sndiri xde dlm list...
owh keta mainan, keta lembu n seangkatan dgnnye jgn nk byk bunyik ye...
tempeleng kasi melekat kat dinding kang baru tau...
Most Mercedes-Benz engines, except the high-performance ones in the AMG and SL/SLK models, are able to run on fuel with RON91 to RON95. However, for optimum performance, RON95 is recommended while use of RON92 will result in marginally reduced output |
Volvo engines can use RON91 to 98 RON unleaded petrol. Volvo Car Malaysia says that for best performance and lowest fuel consumption, RON98 (or closest RON) is recommended. For normal driving, RON95 is acceptable and RON91 should only be used in cases where RON95 is unavailable. Knock sensors in the engines will adjust the engine timing to prevent damage with very low RON fuel. |
Source: Motor Trader
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