Friday, January 29, 2010


Selamat menyambot hari thaipusam la pade2 sape2 yg sambot...
esok cuti yeay~~~

semalam dapat memo mengatekan esok cuti...
coz dalam takwim opis xde tules cuti...

make dgn ini esok aku dgn wife aku akan pegi ke melaka...
mau jajah itu melaka...
mau beli itu melaka...
mau ngorat sume awek2 melaka...

ok abaikn statement yg last tuh...

sebenarnye nak hantar wife aku pi berurot...
x sudah2 saket belakang katenye...
pastu tiap2 pagi asek la sebok duk tanye bile nak pegi melake??
bile nak pegi melake...
kdg2 sapai dibawak ke mimpi...
siap ngigau tanye bile nak pegi melake...

tempat tu aku x tau...
so tanye la sorang dak opis neh tunjok arah jalan...
coz kampong dia dekat2 je dengan tempat urot tuh...
then dia pn bagi la aku tunjok arah GPS paleng moden...

beginila rupe GPS tersebot...

kool kan??

aku ingat nak stay sane satu malam lah...
macam penat la plak nanti kalau balek hari...

sape nak ikot??
kite pi mandi pantai ke ape...
sementare tunggu wife aku berurot...
open for ladies only...

ok abaikan sekali lagi statement last tuh...

owh ye...
aku nank tuntot hutang sorang dak BDN neh...
dia kate nak banjer aku kalau aku turon melake...
aimi chan~~~
ooooo aimi chan....
here i come~~~

harap2 minah neh belom balek indon lagi...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


lunch td pi KWSP jap...
nak printout EPF statement...
bile dh dapat statement tuh agak terkejotlah...
terkejot bukan dapat duet free...
tp last duet masok akaun epf sept 2009...

pastu wife akunyer plak statement kluar...
pn terkejot gak...
bukan terkejot sebab last payment bulan 9...
tp baki akaun...
ade lebey 100K...
owh ape giler!!!

sekali tgk name atas...
bukan name dia daaa....
pi patah balek kat kiosk tuh...
tgk statement wife aku maseh kat situ...
rupe2nye dia salah amek =|

then gerak pi makan...
bajet nak makan nasi ayam pak mal sek.11 ...
lame dh x pekene nasi ayam kat situ...
laku giler nasi ayam pakcik neh...
x pernah lekanglah customer dia...
aku kalau pegi situ x sah kalau x makan 2 pinggan =|...
kalau makan 1 pinggan rase mcm x keruan...
rase mcm hidop neh x lengkap...
mcm kekurangan sesuatu...

aku nyer crave for nasi ayam pakcik neh...
terpakse ditahan tuk sementara waktu...
x tau lah ditahan tuk baper lame lagi...
huuuuu maafkan aku nasi ayam...
aku terpakse melepaskn kau wat sementare waktu...
coz parking xde...

then decide teros pi mekdi je...
bungkos makan kat opis...
so pegi la mekdi sebelah plaza masalam...
awek yg amek order tu agak cun lah...
sayang betol x amek pic...

owh itu x penting...
yg penting sekarang neh...
aku maseh ingat ape yg aku order...
maseh segar diingatanku...
seolah2 ianye baru berlaku semalam... berlaku tgh hari td...
bkn semalam...

aku order Double Prosperity Burger Medium set.. <---ni aku makan
Spicy Chicken McDeluxe Medium set...<---ni wife aku pelahap
n choc sundae...(betol ke aku eja neh??) <---ni aku bg wife aku coz dia suke eskrem...

n aku bayar lah mcm biase...
ni resitnye...

sempatlah kiteorg borak2 kejap...
dh dia bertanye dulu tuk memulekn perbualan...
mestila kite kene layan...
kalau x dicop sombong...
tau ape yg 1st sekali dia tanye dulu??

selamat datang...
makan sini ke bungkos??

bukan aku yg start dulu...
dia yg start dulu...

then siap2 teros balek opis...
tp sebelom tu ageh2 dulu habuan maseng2...
tgh nak bahagi2kn tuh berlaku sesuatu yg pelek...
ade mende pelek dalam plastik mekdi aku...
ade mende neh plak...

owh apekah??
bile tahonkah aku order natang neh??
pastu check2 yg laen takot2 dia salah bg ape yg aku order...
sume cukop...
xde ape yg silap...
melaenkan burger tambahan...

aku x taulah ape motif burger tu join sekali dlm plastik aku...
tp ape yg pasti aku dapat burger extra...
atau dgn kate name laen...
burger percuma...

seja kejadian tu...
kepale aku x henti2 memikirkn kebarangkalian...
or hipotesis knp perkare neh terjadi...

1. mekdi mmg ade wat proosi bg burger free tp aku yg x tau...
2. awek tu terpukau dgn kehenseman aku lalu bg aku burger free...
3. awek tu kagom tgk kemachoan aku lalu bg aku burger free...
4. awek tu salah letak...

tu je yg aku dapat fikirkan...
tp hati aku kuat mengatekan no.2 atau no.3 adlh hipotesis yg tepat dan jitu...
korang setuju x??

aku baru je menghabeskan Double Prosperity td.
nikmat sunggoh...
daging 2 ketol yg gedabak besar...
dgn sosnye yg melipah ruah...
bawang2 lebey sket...
x dpt aku nak gambarkn perasaan aku taim tuh...

memang puas...
cukop puas...

sampai aku x bley nak makan burger free...
coz perot penoh...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Paypal Wishlist

cume 4 USD je yg aku dapat...
tp xpelah...
kire ade la gak rezeki dari xde langsong...

ni je habuan yg aku dapat dari paypal wishlist kat facebook tuh...
ramai yg x accept aku invite diaorg coz ingat mende neh tipu...

Amount received:
$4.00 USD
Fee amount:
$0.00 USD
Net amount:
$4.00 USD
Malaysian residents can only exchange funds with other Malaysian residents in Ringgits when using their PayPal balances.

Jan 22, 2010
02:09:44 GMT+08:00

PayPal Private Limited ROW Masspay has just sent you $4.00 USD with PayPal
Custom Note:
"You¡¯ve got money! Thank you for participating in our Facebook WishList promotion. Your eligible earnings which comply with the terms and conditions of the campaign have now been deposited in your PayPal account. To claim it, log in to your PayPal account and click ¡®Accept¡¯. You'll have 30 days to claim your money. Enjoy! The PayPal Asia Team"
Payment Type:

aku memulepn agak skeptikal mende neh...
tp mende free so xde pape yg aku rugi...
aku joinlah...

then ajak member2 dlm frenlist tuk join...
setiap org join dia tambh 1USD dalam akaun aku...
nampaknye 4 org je caye dari 200 member list yg aku ade...

Friday, January 22, 2010

What the hell??!!

Pagi2 lagi aku dh kepelekan...
rasenye aku apply cari keje kosong...
aleh2 mende laen plak yg datang...
ni plak yg aku dapat...

Maharishi University of Management
Fairfield, Iowa USA
Master of Science in Computer Science
Computer Professionals Program

Dear Mohd Nuraizat Bin Mohd Kashim,

We received your name from You are invited to apply for the Computer Professionals Program to earn a Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) degree and do practical training in an IT company in the USA.

All international students receive extensive financial aid for the majority of their tuition, housing, and meals expenses, and can work for up to two years in a full-paying practical training job in the USA. Please visit the University website for more information and to apply online.

The Computer Professionals Program is available at only one accredited US university -- Maharishi University of Management.

Here's a brief summary:

* You will earn an MSCS degree from a highly respected, accredited university that integrates the study of computer science with a scientifically proven technology for awakening your total brain potential.
* Top students continue to find practical training jobs — in the past four months, U.S. technology companies have hired our students at an average annual salary of $50,000-60,000, with higher salaries possible.
* A recent InfoWorld compensation survey found that the average salary of IT professionals in America with an MSCS degree is $14,525 per year above the average salary of those without the degree.
* The University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, and has received more than $26,000,000 in federal research grants,
* Maharishi University of Management is renowned for its safe, harmonious campus in the friendly city of Fairfield, Iowa in the central USA. Students come from many countries, living and learning together as a world family.

For full details on the program, visit our website. You can apply online. An application fee of $30 is due only after you receive final acceptance.

Questions regarding the program can be answered here.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Craig Shaw
Director of Recruiting
Computer Professionals Program
Maharishi University of Management
Fairfield, IA 52557 USA

pelek neh
keje kosong yg aku carik...
tawaran belajar plak yg aku dapat...

Thursday, January 21, 2010


tetibe aku rase rindu plak kat casing lame aku...

ni rupe casing aku sblm aku pakai yg skrg neh...

Ni rupe dia taim siang or terang...

Ni plak rupe dia taim malam or gelap...

nape aku rindu??
coz dah lame x jumpe...
almaklomlah aku dah jual dia...
coz taim tuh aku memerlukan duet...
mane x nye...
taim tu gaji asek la duk lambat...
sampai aku terpakse jual sebahagian harta aku...
tuk meneruskan hidop...

Monday, January 18, 2010


semalam grapik kad aku dgn jayenye memanaskn diri hingga 110 darjah celcius...
gempak seh....
no wonderlah maen game dlm stgh jam tibe2 jadi lag giler...
rupenye2 temp dia mengalahkn suhu air mendidih...

then aku cari culprit...
yg penyebab grapik kad aku jadi demam panas...
pas soal siasat setiap hardware PC aku...
akhernye aku dh jumpe pesalah yg menyebabkan grapik kad aku demam...

ni dia pesalah tersebut...

dgn muke x bersalah suka suki je dia x menjalankn tugas...
sampai grapik kad aku demam panas...
seb bek dia x mati...

kalau nak diikotkn...
mende alah neh maseh ade warranty...
tp disebabkn kemlasan aku mengalahkn slowpoke...
ok bg sape2 yg x kenal slowpoke...
ini dia slowpoke...

merupakan sekor natang fantasi dari katon pokemon...
rasenye snorlax lagi pemalas kot...
eh ape citer pokemon neh...

sambong balek...
disebabkn aku neh malas yg amat tuk pi low yat...
tuk hantar warranty...
maka aku telah mod sendiri grapik kad aku...
ni la haselnye...

keputusannye amatlah memberansangkan...
coz aku try stress test under heavyload selame sejam...
temp yg dia tunjok x pernah cecah 60 darjah celcius...
idle 38 darjah celcius...

klu pakai stock fan temp dia biasenye dlm range 70 lebey temp dia...
idle plak 40 lebey...
harap brand je arctic cooling...
tp kipas 8 hengget lagi professional menjalankn tugas...

mungkin pesalah tu akan ok kot pas aku mandikn dia dgn mende alah neh...

mungkin lah mungkin...
dia akan ok...

owh ye...
aku try stress test pakai mende alah neh...
best woo...
plus dia free je...

bley donlod kat sini...

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Tgh aku melayari tenet...
sekali ternampak berita neh...

A SHEEP gave birth to a dead lamb with a human-like face. The calf was born in a village not far from the city of Izmir, Turkey.

Erhan Elibol, a vet, performed Cesarean section on the animal to take the lamb out, but was horrified to see that the features of the lamb's snout bore a striking resemblance to a human face.

“I’ve seen mutations with cows and sheep before. I’ve seen a one-eyed calf, a two-headed calf, a five-legged calf. But when I saw this youngster I could not believe my eyes. His mother could not deliver him so I had to help the animal,” the 29-year-old veterinary said.

The lamb’s head had human features on – the eyes, the nose and the mouth – only the ears were those of a sheep.

Veterinarians said that the rare mutation most likely occurred as a result of improper nutrition since the fodder for the lamb’s mother was abundant with vitamin A, reports.

A goat from Zimbabwe gave birth to a similar youngster in September 2009. The mutant baby born with a human-like head stayed alive for several hours until the frightened village residents killed him.

The governor of the province where the ugly goat was born said that the little goat was the fruit of unnatural relationship between the female goat and a man.

"This incident is very shocking. It is my first time to see such an evil thing. It is really embarrassing," he reportedly said. "The head belongs to a man while the body is that of a goat. This is evident that an adult human being was responsible. Evil powers caused this person to lose self control. We often hear cases of human beings who commit bestiality but this is the first time for such an act to produce a product with human features," he added.

The mutant creature was hairless. Local residents said that even dogs were afraid to approach the bizarre animal.

The locals burnt the body of the little goat, and biologists had no chance to study the rare mutation.


tapi kan...
tapi lah...
bley ke mende neh terjadi??
coz setau aku la kan...
kromosom maknosia dgn binatang x same...
sepatotnye x jadi ape...

pengetahuan biologi aku takat form 4 je...
tu pn 2 bulan je sblm aku masok teknikal...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


sape yg x kenal torrent??
haper sume maknosia kat muke bumi neh kenal torrent...
n raai gak yg jatoh chenta dgn torrent...
coz torrent dh tlg diaorg sume mcm2...
donlod lagu, citer, games, movie n mcm2 lagi...
torrent neh amat disayangi oleh kaki2 donlod...

ok cukop takat neh intro...
seperti yg korang sume sedia maklom...
ISP negare kite neh cam cilakas sket...
diaorg pi bantai throttle torrent kite sume...
aku penah pakai screamyx, maxshit dgn selkom...
sumenye phailed bab torrent...
sebab diaorg dh limitkn bandwidth tuk torrent...

aku sangkakan sume ISP kat mesia neh catuh lah...
tp hari neh berlaku sesuatu yg mengubah pandangan aku...
rupe2nye x sume ISP throttle natang neh...
satu2nyer harapan aku n memberikan aku harapan...
yg cukop x ternilai bagi aku...
thanks to Time...
satu2nye ISP yg aku baru hari neh dapat tau diaorg x limitkn bandwidth donlod...

x caye??
tgk screenshot neh...

seperti biase...
sile klik pic tersebot tuk zoom yg lebey jelas...

cam x caye kan??
dah lame x merasekn perasaan cenggini...
bertahon2 dah x rase...
tgk lah seed dia...
just 13 connection je...
tp bley mencapai kelajuan mendonlod exceed 100kb/s...
tuk fail 500mb++ dalam sejam lebey je...
bayangkn kalau dapat seed 100 lebey...
speed dia pasti wau....
bukan wau bulan ye...

cube kalau pakai screamyx, maxshit n others...
jgn haraplah...
dgn 13 seed n saez fail 500mb++...
mau 2-3 hari baru siap...

sekian je tuk hari neh..
hingga berjumpa lagi...
dalam pada hari yg same...
mase yg same...
dalam rancaaaaaaaaaaaaaangaaaaannn....

ape yg aku melalot neh...
wokey babai...

Monday, January 11, 2010


ok skrg aku bkn nak bcakap pasal mamat neh ye...

Capt. Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
ok ulang sore...
aku bkn nak citer pasal dia...
tp nak citer pasal harga...

bkn la nak citer sebenarnye...
tp lebey kpd luahan ketidakpuasan hati...
knp tahon neh byk reger2 komputer naek harga...
naek bkn siket2...
byk plak tuh...
giler betol...
terkejot gak lah aku biler tgk balek pricelist dari kedai2...
yg agak terkemuka dlm perot low yat...

walaupn aku sbnrnye xde lah nak beli pape...
almaklomlah tgh sengkek...
baru pas kawen...
dapat lak gaji baru2 neh kene tolak gaji coz cuti tanpa gaji...
250 hengget plak tu melayang...

ok antara brg2 yg aku pasan berbeda antara last aku beli dgn reger skrg adlah...
last beli area bln 7 tahon lepas...
sekarang 11/1/2K10....

Processor AMD Phenom II X3 710...
last beli RM315
sekarang RM350

Mobo MSI KA790GX (x mampu beli DKA790 zzzzzz)
last beli RM285
sekarang RM335

Sapphire HD4670 DDR4 512MB
last beli RM245
sekarang RM299

2GB Kingston DDR2
last beli RM115
sekarang RM155

Western Digital 1TB 7200RPM/Sata II/64MB
last beli RM230
Sekarang RM290

tulah antara barang2 yg aku beli tahon lepas...
kalau nak dibandengkan reger tahon lepas dgn sekarang...
sat aku kire dulu...
total harga last beli RM1190
total harga sekarang RM1429
aku dah save RM239 hanye tuk 5 barang je...
tu kos tuk upgrade...
klu kos beli baru konpem lagi byk beza...

so secare x langsong aku hold dululah...
beli 2 barang yg aku mmg nak beli...
tunggu reger dia turon balek n ade duet terlebey...
barang yg aku nak beli same mcm entry aku sblm neh...
mau beli neh...

Sapphire HD5770 Vapor-x DDR5...

dgn neh...

Samsung SyncMaster 2493HM Full HD...
Ape gune graphic card ade hdmi tp x gune ye x??

hmm oklah...
takat ni je dulu...
tp apesal eh reger naek mendadak...
ni mesti Capt. Price puncenye...
sebab name dia price...
hmmmm mungkinlah mungkin...

nota kaki kambeng:
sian epi nak beli btg2 komputer dgn reger sekarang yg cam cilakas...

Monday, January 4, 2010

I want this !!!

heh salam tahon baru tuk sume....
sempena tahon baru neh aku ingat nak letak azam kecik...
ni sume gare2 aku tgk vid neh la...

so secare x langsong...
aku tanam azam kecik aku tuk memiliki mende cun neh...
Sapphire HD5770 VaporX

agak terliur lah aku bile tgk...
huuu bilekah 5 series nak masok mesia neh...
agak2 baper hengget eh??
meh kiter letak sket spec mende cun neh...

I/O Output: Dual DL-DVI-I+DP+HDMI, Triple Display Support

Core Clock: 860 MHz

Memory Clock: Effective 4800 MHz

PCI Express 2.1 x16 bus interface PCI-E x16

1024MB /128bit GDDR5 memory interface

Dual Slot Cooler with Auto Fan Control

On-board HDMI, supports HDMI 1.3 with High Bitrate Audio
Vapor-X Cooling Technology

Microsoft DirectX® 11 Support
# Shader Model 5.0 Support
# DirectCompute 11
# Programmable hardware tessellation unit
# Accelerated multi-threading
# HDR texture compression
# Order-independent transparency

ATI Eyefinity Technology(A.B.)

40 nm Process Technology

800 Stream Processing Units

Advanced 1GB/128-bit GDDR5 Memory Technology

2nd Generation TeraScale Engine

Microsoft Windows 7® Support(E.)

ATI CrossFireX™ Technology(C.)

Display Flexibility, Supports DL-DVI, DP, HDMI and D-Sub

HDMI 1.3 support with Deep Color and 7.1 High Bitrate Audio

AC-3, AAC3, Dolby® TrueHD and DTSHD Master Audio TM Support

Dynamic power management with ATI PowerPlay™ technology including memory clocks (D.)

# ATI Avivo™ Technology Enhanced Unified Video Decoder 2 (UVD 2)(D.) ATI Unified Video Decoder 2 (UVD) for Blu-ray™ and HD Video.
# Accelerated Video Transcoding (AVT)
# DVD Upscaling
# Dynamic Contrast
# Built-in HDMI with 7.1 surround sound support
# Support for H.264, VC-1 and MPEG-2
# Dual Stream 1080p playback support (H.)
# DXVA 1.0 & 2.0 support

Supports OpenGL 3.2(F.)

3D stereoscopic display/glasses support (G.)

On chip HDCP Support

klu dah ade dipasaran konpem2 aku nak jual yg tgh pakai skrg neh??
sape mau kad aku??
aku tolak murah punyer...
240 hengget je...
Sapphire HD4670 DDR4

ni spec dia...

# Core Clock: 750 MHz & 320 Stream Processors
# Shader Model 4.1 support
# Memory Clock: 1100MHz, 2200 Mbps.
# PCI Express 2.0 x16 bus interface
# 512MB /128bit GDDR4 memory interface
# Ultra Low Noise Dual Slot Active Cooler
# On-board HDMI.
# 7.1 Audio Channel Support
# Microsoft® DirectX® 10.1 support

Optimized GDDR4 design
Ultra Low Noise Cooler(<20dBA)
DirectX® 10.1
320 stream processing units
128-bit memory interface
24x custom filter anti-aliasing (CFAA) and high performance anisotropic filtering
Dual mode ATI CrossFireX™ multi-GPU support for highly scalable performance
PCI Express® 2.0 support
Dynamic geometry acceleration
Game physics processing capability